Saturday, March 24, 2012

Don't fence me in

THERE has been some spirited discussion of council matters here and on the New Norfolk News website, in response to recent events including the devastating fires in Willow Court and High St, as well as the council's decision to close future workshops to the public after the first 30 minutes.

It has been said that my proposal to put up a security fence was a knee-jerk reaction to the loss of F Ward and I can see how some might have reached that conclusion. However, it was last December that I first raised this particular fencing issue at a council meeting. It came up again at a closed meeting in January and councillors voted to defer consideration for "a month".

It has also been correctly pointed out that we do not have any security or fencing experts on the council and that such people should be consulted before any money is spent on a fence. I agree with those sentiments and that's why I asked for the police and fire brigade to attend our workshop on Willow Court security held on March 8. You can read about that here.

The closed council meeting in January agreed that the mayor should call a meeting between councillors and the owners of private property at Willow Court, to discuss the fencing issue. Two months have now passed without that meeting taking place.

Willow Court has reached a crisis point and I make no apologies for ruffling a few feathers at the council table. I will continue to work for the proper protection and development of Willow Court as promised when I stood for election.

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